Monday, March 28, 2011

Hyperbaric Centers and Hyperbaric Organization

Few years back, I spent my last vacation at my cousin’s place. There I came across John- a boy of 7years old. Innocent eyes, childish smile and a strange introvert nature. He plays all by himself, avoids talking to others, and gets irritated when someone comes near him. I talk to his mother and came to know that he is an ill fated autistic kid.
hyperbaric organization
There is no answer to the question why it happened? The proper reason of autism is still not known. It is simply the lack of development of the brain. John could not speak well since he was three. However Amanda - her mother gave him the proper treatment from a reputed hyperbaric organization. I heard about hyperbaric centers before, but was not sure of their treatment procedure. Amanda only told me, that in this treatment the child is put on a hyperbaric chamber. The pure and the pressurized oxygen is infused. With the abundance of the oxygen into the blood cells, the patient gets relief. She admitted him to a school.
Last Sunday I went again to California to meet Florida- my sister, I met John again. Amanda admitted him to a school (for special children). I was overjoyed to see he could speak small words. I gave him a picture and ask him to write about it, he could do that too taking the help of the computer. Now, during the weekends, he plays simple games with similar other children.
However the regular treatment in the hyperbaric centers is now a must for him. Hyperbaric organization has recommended him for the treatment at a regular interval. John still now has the problem of repeated motor actions. He continues doing the same thing over and over. Even he watches the same T.V. shows again and again. With the continuation of the hyperbaric treatment, these problems will also get minimized.
hyperbaric centers
4 years back I saw tears in a mother’s eye for his son. After 4 years this time I was elated to see glitter in the same eyes for his son…


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